Pyecombe 27th January 2022

Last Tuesday was a bitterly cold day at Pyecombe, but managing not to fall off for a whole day would count as a success this month.
I jumped Askeaton in the Discovery for a good clear round, and in the Newcomers, where she jumped very well, with a small objection to a change of noseband (a debate she has won!). Khalissy totally redeemed herself with a really lovely clear in the Newcomers. She is obviously feeling well, and I think my mistake was to think she needs hard-feed - she really doesn't. Chaff and some Saracen Stamm 30 and Equijewel is more than enough for her! As I wasn't feeling my bravest I just jumped Arietta in the Newcomers. She just had one fence down - really she is better jumping a bit bigger, and I can then ride her a little bit more forwards - but it doesn't do her any harm to have an easy day. She has come on so much since October, when she was very green and not very obedient, but sometimes it's nice just to have a little feel of how things are going, without pitting oneself against too big a course.
I have now bought a Helite Air Vest. I'm hoping this is going to make me feel a bit more confident. I really don't notice it when I'm jumping, but I must remember to unplug myself before I get off. Luckily I am so geriatric that I get off very slowly these days, so thus far I've managed not to terrify myself or the horses by exploding as I hit the ground.
Whilst Trevor is in Dubai I obviously still need to continue training, eyes on the ground and a squaring up of bad habits are essential for everyone, Alex Hempleman has very kindly stepped into the breech. I had an excellent lesson at his base at Cowfold, and then we hired Hascombe Farm together for a great training session on Thursday. Every day I start off feeling not at all brave, but get better and better as we go on. Alex has been helpful, perceptive and encouraging, and kept a good eye on what I was up to at Pyecombe. So many, many thanks to him and Kendall for all their help.
The weeks are getting busy now as we leave for Spain in less than four weeks. I am trying to fit in regular training and as many shows as we can, we have been back to Toad Hall for another very good session on the water treadmill, with Dr Matthias Baumann (vet and former German eventing gold medallist) supervising. The horses are really getting the hang of this now, they are relaxed and put their heads right down and really work over the back. Their fitness seems to come on as much as if they had a good bit of canter work, but without the risks of concussion and injury. They seem to enjoy it too, so it makes a nice change for them as well.
Hopefully I am getting through the admin for Spain, Brexit has added so much extra work, almost every week a new rule is invented making another paperwork hurdle to jump.
I've also been working hard on my own fitness, trying to incorporate some Barre and Pilates alongside my normal physio. My aim is to do something extra every day - even if it's only a little bit. Certainly I am noticing a bit more strength now which is helping me feel more confident. We have been so lucky having a dry winter, but I am looking forward to feeling warmer.
We still have Emma and Zarnita at home, slowly growing larger, but looking so well and obviously enjoying the dry winter too. They are lovely and woolly and muddy, they are still in at night, and go off like a couple of frisky hippos every morning when we turn them out.

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