Cherwell August 2021
We had two enjoyable days at Cherwell with BE Khalissy and Askeaton. Khalissy started the weekend by jumping a little exuberantly in the Newcomers for four faults and Askeaton jumped a double clear in the Foxhunter. We stayed the night to give everyone an easier time, and to give the horses the benefit of a two day show in an unfamiliar arena without too much travelling. This meant we had an extremely leisurely start on Sunday. The horses had a lovely graze and hand walk and then both jumped in the Foxhunter. Askeaton jumped beautifully, so I was really disappointed to have the last fence in the jump-off. Luckily Khalissy finished the trip of brilliantly with a fast double clear and her first Foxhunter placing for 6th. There was a lovely relaxed atmosphere, we had three very cosy stables on their own, and there was lots of space to work the horses in; it's a very nice arena with smart jumps and interesting courses.
Askeaton - 1.20